The Relationship Between Fluid and BCVA

0.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)
Launch Date:
January 14, 2020
Expiration Date:
The accreditation for this activity has expired.

Primary Audience:

Retina specialists involved in the treatment and management of patients with retina disorders.

Relevant Terms:

Retina, Age-Related Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Eye Disease, Retinal Vein Occlusion

The latest data on the impact of intraretinal fluid and subretinal fluid in the retinal pigment epithelium on visual acuity.

Aleksandra V. Rachitskaya, MD

Cleveland Clinic 

Jorge A. Fortun, MD

Associate Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology

Bascom Palmer Eye Institute

University of Miami Miller School of Medicine

Medical Director, BPEI at Palm Beach Gardens

Mitul Mehta, MD MS

Fellowship Director, Vitreoretinal Surgery

Assistant Clinical Professor

Vitreoretinal Diseases and Surgery

Gavin Herbert Eye Institute

Univ. of California, Irvine

Hemang K. Pandya, MD

Vitreoretinal Specialist

Dallas Retina Center

Veeral Sheth, MD, MBA, FACS

Director of Clinical Research

Board Certified Ophthalmologist and Retinal Surgeon

Clinical Assistant Professor

University of Illinois at Chicago

Lejla Vajzovic, MD

Director, Duke Center for Artificial and Regenerative Vision
Co-Director, Duke Pediatric Retina and Optic Nerve Center
Director, Duke Eye Center Continuing Medical Education
Director, Duke fAVS and AVS Courses
Associate Professor of Ophthalmology
Adult and Pediatric Vitreoretinal Surgery and Diseases
Duke University Eye Center

Jeremy Wolfe, MD

Associated Retinal Consultants

Summarize how treatment paradigms have evolved over time and how they relate to current treatment options.
Identify the relationships between disease characteristics, drug, treatment frequency, visual and anatomic outcomes.

This activity will review the latest data on how intraretinal fluid and subretinal fluid in the retinal pigment epithelium affects visual acuity in patients with neovascular macular degeneration.
This continuing medical education activity is supported through educational grant from Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.


Accreditation Statement

Evolve Medical Education LLC is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

Credit Designation Statement

Evolve Medical Education LLC designates this enduring material for a maximum of 0.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Faculty and Disclosures

It is the policy of Evolve that faculty and other individuals who are in the position to control the content of this activity disclose any real or apparent conflict of interests relating to the topics of this educational activity. Evolve has full policies in place that will identify and resolve all conflicts of interest prior to this educational activity.

The following fellows/faculty members have the following financial relationships with commercial interests

Aleksandra V. Rachitskaya, MD, has had a financial agreement or affiliation during the past year with the following commercial interests in the form of Consultant: Alcon, Allergan, & Carl Zeiss Meditec.

Jorge A. Fortun, MD, has had a financial agreement or affiliation during the past year with the following commercial interests in the form of Consultant: Allergan, Carl Zeiss, & Novartis; Grant/Research: Allergan, & Novartis.  

Mitul Mehta, MD, MS, has had a financial agreement or affiliation during the past year with the following commercial interests in the form of Consultant: Novartis; Speaker: Novartis; Shareholder: Eyedaptic.

Hemang K. Pandya, MD, has had a financial agreement or affiliation during the past year with the following commercial interests in the form of Speaker: Novartis.

Veeral S. Sheth, MD, MBA, FACS, has had a financial agreement or affiliation during the past year with the following commercial interests in the form of Consultant/Speaker: Genentech, Alimera, Novartis, EyePoint; Grant/Research: Allergan, Alimera, Genentech, Regeneron, Novartis. 

Lejla Vajzovic, MD, has had a financial agreement or affiliation during the past year with the following commercial interests in the form of Consultant: Aerie, Alcon, Allergan, Alimera, B&L, DORC, Guidepoint, Orbit Biomedical Inc.; Grant/Research: Heidelberg Engineering, Orbit Biomedical Inc., Second Sight. 

Jeremy Wolfe, MD, has had a financial agreement or affiliation during the past year with the following commercial interests in the form of Consultant/Speaker: Allergan, Genentech, Novartis, Regeneron; Grant/Research: Genentech, Novartis. 

Editorial Support

Erin K. Fletcher, MIT, director of compliance and education, Evolve, has no financial relationships with commercial interests.

Susan Gallagher-Pecha, director of client services and project management, Evolve, has no financial relationships with commercial interests.

Cassandra Richards, director of education development, Evolve, has no financial relationships with commercial interests.

Nisha Mukherjee, MD, peer reviewer, has no financial relationships with commercial interests.